Latest news
- January 2025: You can read our recent review on Negative Gas Adsorption (NGA) now published in Chem. Soc. Rev.
- December 2024: We share with great sadness the news that Professor Alain Fuchs passed away on December 8th. He was a pioneer in the fields of thermodynamics and molecular simulation of confined phases, adsorption, and nanoporous materials.
- November 2024: Luca’s latest work in the group, on neural network-based interatomic potentials for zeolites is now published in J. Phys. Chem. C.
- October 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Lionel Zoubritzky on the award of his PhD! 🎓
- September 2024: Welcome to Léna Triestram and Fengming Shi who are joining the group as PhD students!
- July 2024: FX Coudert is a keynote speaker at the amazing MOF 2024 conference in Singapore 🇸🇬.
- June 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Emmanuel Ren, who has been selected as Finalist for the ENEN PhD Event & Prize 2024 by the European Nuclear Education Network Association.
- May 2024: As part of an collaboration with Shinshu University 🇯🇵, we are proud to present our latest work on H2O/D2O adsorption in flexible graphene oxide nanosheets, published in Nature Communications.
- April 2024: Prediction diffusion coefficients in nanoporous materials is a difficult problem, and Emmanuel’s latest paper proposes a new methodology: “Prediction of the Diffusion Coefficient through Machine Learning Based on Transition-State Theory Descriptors” is published.
- February 2024: Welcome to Ayoub Traverson, who joins the group for a MSc project.
- December 2023: Happy to announce the publication of a special issue on “Modelling and advanced characterization of framework materials” in Communications Chemistry, guest-edited by FX!
- November 2023: Congratulations to Ambroise De Izarra for publication of two papers in one week! 🏅 Both on intrusion of electrolytes: an analytical model and a series of Monte Carlo simulations.
- September 2023: Party time! Dr. Emmanuel Ren is awarded a PhD 🎓 following his defence.
- July 2023: Congratulations to Nicolas Castel on the very successful defence of his PhD!
- June 2023: FX Coudert is participating in the Telluride workshop “Returning to the Molecule: Thinking at the Chemical Level to Advance Understanding and Function in Synthetic Porous Frameworks”. Beautiful science, beautiful location! ⛰️
- May 2023: Read about Computation of Finite Temperature Mechanical Properties of ZIF Glasses by MD in Nicolas’ latest paper in Chem. Mater.
- April 2023: Our group’s @MOF_papers Twitter bot is featured in Chem. Mater.! Read more in this editorial.
- January 2023: Congratulations to Ambroise De Izarra and Emmanuel Ren for publishing the first two papers of the group in 2023: an alchemical osmostat for Monte Carlo simulation and a fast sampling method for characterizing nanoporous materials.
- December 2022: 🎥 We have published a short video tutorial of our CrystalNets web app for topology identification of crystalline materials.