François-Xavier Coudert

Senior Researcher at CNRS & Professor at PSL University

I work at Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, a joint CNRS / Chimie ParisTech research institute, in the Organometallic Chemistry and Polymerization Catalysis team. My research group there is centered mainly on molecular simulation at various scales, covering first principles methods (quantum chemistry calculations, ab initio molecular dynamics), classical methods (force field-based molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo), and mesoscopic modeling.

Below is a list of current and past members of the group.

Group leader

François-Xavier Coudert
Senior Researcher at CNRS (directeur de recherche)
Professor at PSL University (professeur attaché)

Current members

Dune André
PhD student
Arthur Hardiagon
Post-doctoral researcher
Léna Triestram
PhD student
Fengming Shi 石俸铭
PhD student

In memoriam

Alain Fuchs † (1953–2024)
Founder of the group, former President of CNRS and President of PSL University

Former group members

Lionel Zoubritzky
PhD student (2021–2024), now at Collège de France
Luca Brugnoli
Post-doctoral researcher (2023–2024), now at Sorbonne Université
Emmanuel Ren
PhD student (2020–2023), now at Orano
Nicolas Castel
PhD student (2020–2023), now at French Ministry of Ecology
Ambroise De Izarra
Post-doctoral researcher (2021–2023), in collaboration with Anne Boutin (ENS), now at CEA
Maxime Ducamp
PhD student (2019–2022)
Wenke Li 李文珂
PhD student (2018–2021), in collaboration with Wuhan University of Technology (WUT), now a lecturer at WUT
Alexander Neimark
Visiting professor (2009–2010, 2013, 2021), from Rutgers University
Clément Wespiser
Post-doctoral researcher (2021), in collaboration with Anne Boutin (ENS), now at CEA
Siwar Chibani
Post-doctoral researcher (2018–2020), now software engineer at Worldline
Thibaud Dreher
Post-doctoral researcher (2019–2020), now at ONERA
Félix Mouhat
Post-doctoral researcher (2018–2020), in collaboration with Marie-Laure Bocquet (ENS), now at Saint-Gobain
Guillaume Fraux
PhD student (2015–2019), now at EPFL
Antoine Carof
Post-doctoral researcher, in collaboration with Rodolphe Vuilleumier (ENS), now Lecturer at Université de Lorraine
Romain Gaillac
PhD student (2015–2018), now at Air Liquide
Elsa Perrin
PhD student (2015–2018), in collaboration with Anne Boutin (ENS) and Martin Schoen (TU Berlin), now at Saint-Gobain
Jack D. Evans
Post-doctoral researcher (2015–2017), in collaboration with Lydéric Bocquet (ENS), now at the University of Adelaide
Liam Wilbraham
PhD student (2014–2017), in collaboration with Ilaria Ciofini, now at the University of Glasgow
Clarisse Péan
Post-doctoral researcher (2015–2017), now working as freelance translator
Jean-Mathieu Vanson
PhD student (2013–2016), in collaboration with Mikaela Klotz (Saint Gobain) and Anne Boutin (ENS), now at CEA
Daniela Kohen
Visiting professor (2015–2016), from Carleton College
Fabien Trousselet
Post-doctoral researcher (2014–2016), now mathematics teacher
Dominika Lesnicki
Post-doctoral researcher (2015), now at Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Dario Corradini
Post-doctoral researcher (2014–2015), now at Phys. Rev. X
Aurélie Ortiz
PhD student (2011–2014), now at Saint Gobain Recherche
David Bousquet
PhD student (2010–2014), now at Saint Gobain Recherche
Quang-Tri Doan
Post-doctoral researcher (2012–2013), now at Université polytechnique de Hanoi
Marta De Toni
PhD student (2009–2012), now at Sanofi
Carlos Triguero
Post-doctoral researcher (2010–2012), now at Queen’s University Belfast
Jorge Peixinho
Post-doctoral researcher (2010–2011), now CNRS Researcher at Arts et Métiers
Selvarengan Paranthaman
Post-doctoral researcher (2009), now at Kalasalingam University

Former Master’s students (6-month internship)