Mobile Science Apps

for scientists and researchers
for everyone

Welcome to the home of Mobile Science Apps. We build simple, useful apps for scientists and researchers. We started making iPhone apps at the beginning of 2010, and have a few projects that will be coming out in the next few months. Stay tuned!

For support on any of our applications, on the Mac or the iPhone/iPod/iPad, please by email. We love to hear from you and help you use our products more efficiently!


Physical Constants

Always have ready the values of 300+ physical constants. For this simple application, distinctive features include:



Isotopia is an isotopic distribution calculator and plotter, a molecular mass calculator and an isotopes database. Its features include:

Calculations stay instantaneous up to 10,000s atoms on your iPhone/iPod. Isotopia is an equivalent of "iMass" for iPhone.


NMR Isotopes

NMR Isotopes allows you to keep reference data for all NMR-active isotopes in your pocket. Features include:

Data calculated for each isotope includes: spin, molar mass, frequency, natural abundance, receptivity, quadrupole moment , magnetic ratio, and field strength.

For support using our applications, please directly by e-mail. We love to hear from you!